Gabriella Duca
President, founder
Gabriella is Human Factors scientis with background in architectural design (Federico II University, Naples), she got her PhD in Building and environment rehabilitation at Genoa University and got the Eur.Erg. (European Ergonomist) qualification in 2003. Her research interests address the transdisciplinary application of human factors with focus on task analysis & human performance assessment, safety culture, human factors in systems sustainability/efficiency, human-built environment interaction, work spaces & interfaces in safety critical contexts. She has conducted research projects for a variety of private companies and public authorities (full project list here), and has authored and co-authored more than 80 scientific publications. She is a former member (2010-2019) of the national board of SIE Italian Ergonomics Society.
Mario Ciaburri
Board member, Founder
Antonio Di Palma
Vice President, Founder
Antonio is safety expert in HRO and aviation fields, RPAS flight instructor, former Italian Air Force Jet Fighter pilot. He has more than 10 years experience in safety critical operations management, ranging from Civil Protection to aereonautical manufacturing processes. He has contributed to several national and international projects in military and civil context. He is has beed elected member of AINTS (Italian Non Technical Skills Association) national board.
Raffaella Russo
Senior Scientist
Raffaella is a senior research consultant, that served several esearch institutions and Universities (ISSNOVA, University of Salerno, AMRA scarl,). She holds a Master degree in Economics and Finance and is a certified project manager. She has supported the coordination of several EU research projects such as: H2020 SHEER (SHale gas Exploration and Exploitation induced Risks), H2020 ESPREssO (Enhancing Synergies for disaster PRevention in the EurOpean Union), FP7 REAKT (Strategies and tools for Real Time EArthquake RisK ReducTion) and FP7 CLUVA (CLimate change and Urban Vulnerability in Africa). Presently she is involved in the H2020 S4CE (Science 4 Clean Energy) project according to her managing skills and research experience.
Her research activity is devoted mainly to developing indicators to measure the social and economic impact of some hazardous events and to the identification socio-economic barriers to systems resilience. Her research activity is also devoted to identify the costs and benefits connected with the exploitation of conventional and unconventional energy resources. In the above mentioned fields she has several scientific publications and has lead WPs, Tasks and deliverables.
Vittorio Sangermano
Senior Researcher
Vittorio is a Human Factors expert, focusing on systemic thinking and human centred design; he is involved in several H2020 projects, such as X-TEAM D2D (eXTEnded AtM for Door2Door travel), INVIRCAT (Investigate IFR RPAS control in airports and TMA), TINDAiR
projects. Vittorio holds a Master’s degree in Science and Technology of Navigation at University of Naples ‘Parthenope’. As an intern at EUROCONTROL at the DECMA/INO/VIF unit within the Directorate European Civil-Military Aviation, he was in charge of preparing, carrying out and analysing Human Factors issues in real time simulation in Air Traffic Management field.
Giovanni Gugg
Senior Researcher
Giovanni holds a PhD in Cultural Anthropology, and is lecturer in Urban Anthropology at the Department of Engineering of the University “Federico II” of Naples. He is currently a research fellow at the LESC (Laboratoire d’Ethnologie et de Sociologie Comparative) of the Université Paris Nanterre . His studies concern natural and human-induced disasters and their perception, the relationship between human communities and their environment, especially when dealing with territories at risk, such as Vesuvius and the Italian earthquake areas.
Mariana Oliveira
Senior Researcher
Mariana Oliveira is a Food Engineer with a MSc in Sustainable Indicators at University of Campinas (UNICAMP/Brazil). She was awarded with a Marie Curie Fellowship at the European Union Funded ReTraCE Project during her PhD in Sustainability, Integrated Assessments, and Environmental Indicators at Parthenope University of Napoli. Mariana has also 10 years of experience in processes, project, and people management and quality improvement.
Daniele Palma Esposito
Junior Researcher
Daniele is a junior researcher in transport sustainability. He holds a Master’s degree in Science and Technology of Navigation from the University of Naples ‘Parthenope’, focusing his studies on navigation systems, geomatics, and environmental management in the maritime sector.
Pia Di Salvo
Ferdinando Maria Musto
Stefano Duca
Stefano started studying physics at the Federico II university in Naples where he got a bachelor degree in Physics. After that, he moved to Munich where he obtained his M.Sc. in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. In October 2014, he joined the chair of Computational Social Science to work on Evolutionary Game Theory applied to socio-economical contexts at ETH, Zurich, where he got his PhD on January 2029. On his free time Stefano enjoys reading, playing boardgames and hiking.
Amalia Zucaro
Founder, Scientific Advisor
Antonella Frisiello
Scientific Advisor
Marco Casazza
Scientific Advisor
Marco holds a Master Degree in Physics, University of Torino. Specialization Diploma in Sanitary Physics (environmental address), University of Torino. International Doctorate in Environment, Resources and Sustainable Development, University of Napoli ‘Parthenope’. He is qualified as Associate Professor in Applied Physics (FIS/07) according to Italian National Scientific Qualification (ASN) scheme.
He is currently is a research scholar at the Department of Sciences and Technologies at the University of Napoli ‘Parthenope’ and is Acting Secretary/Assistant Coordinator and co-responsible for International Academic Relations of Sino-Italian Academic Network ‘Matteo Ricci’.
His research deals with environmental multi-parametric monitoring, accounting and management. His research interests are focused on human-technology-environment interactions, environmental impact assessment, environmental security, also developing modelling and simulations. Lately, he adapted implemented such simulation tools to study the system dynamics of complex diseases, such as Multiple Myeloma and to the study of RNA virus – host co-evolution.
He is foreign expert at the School of Environment, Beijing Normal University (Beijing, China), was visiting researcher at KTH (Stockholm, Sweden), under the guidance of prof. Jinyue Yan (Editor in Chief, Applied Energy, Elsevier).
Marco’s academic teaching experience focuses on environmental physics, environmental monitoring laboratory and environmental accounting. He is Associate Editor of “Frontiers in Environmental Sciences” and Editorial Board Member of “Environmental and Sustainability Indicators” (Elsevier).